Web Design

The landing
page will emphasize the Zero Resistance Marketing approach, which will use a
friendly, simple, concise, brief, informative and trustworthy information
regarding your business.

People does
not have the time to investigate much of what you are doing, if you present
reliable and true information, a click on your digital platform has the
potential for a conversion and a huge and long term return.

Our goals
and recommendations when considering building your website, will be focused on
variables, besides the visual impact and engagement proposals, to enable Google
Analytics and analyze visitor’s interaction.

is a person that visits the site using desktop or mobile browsers.Session
is the period of time that the visitor is active on your site.Page
is the activity that is triggered by the visitor requesting the Analytics
servers to be analyzed. It is commonly considered a pageview or an event.

are very important to understand the site’s performance and to define the visitor’s
engagement, but you don’t need to dig deep into the dynamics now (unless you
want to), with time you will master it, we will empower you to follow up and
use Google Analytics.